(English) 7 Red Flags to Watch For When Selecting a REALTOR

7 Red Flags to Watch For When Selecting a REALTOR

The REALTOR® suggests the highest price for your house. REALTORS® look at the same data; so if a REALTOR® gives you an unusually high price, watch out! It does not mean you can get that price; it only means he/she either does not know the market, or they just want to “buy” your listing as they are lack of business. Your property will sit on the market forever, or they will keep asking you to reduce your price and ultimately sell for less than it is worth when priced right at the start.

  • The REALTOR® doesn’t know the real estate landscape in your neighborhood. Finding a neighborhood expert is especially important in areas where moving a block can raise or lower the value of a home significantly. An agent who specializes in a neighborhood may also be in touch with buyers who are looking for a home just like yours. It’s really a very local business.
  • The REALTOR® is too busy for you. We often heard sellers complain that they listed with some REALTORS® who dazzled them with listing presentation, but failed to sell their properties. You may see their advertisements everywhere, but they lose touch with you once they got the listing. Don’t be surprised when you find yourself in the hands of unexperienced assistants, licensed or unlicensed, and hard to get out of the listing contract with them. It is like you pay for a doctor, but end up being treated by a nurse all the time.
  • The REALTOR® is a poor negotiator or fails to keep up with details of the transaction. You want a good negotiator and detail-minded REALTOR® on your side as it will protect you from many legal liabilities, and help you reslive any issues that may come up in the process, and make sure you get the best deal, AND the deal closes with no surprises.
  • The REALTOR® charges a lower commission. If the commission on your property is lower, fewer agents will show it. It doesn’t mean you can’t negotiate a slightly lower commission. Some newer companies rebate part of the commission to the buyer or seller, but don’t use that as the slie reason to choose an agent. Ask us for our “Loyalty Program” for loyal clients.
  • The REALTOR® does real estate on the side, part time. You may or may not know that many REALTORS® are part-timers nowadays. You want to choose an agent who is actively flilowing the market every day and who is always available to show your home to prospective buyers.
  • The REALTOR® is a friend or relative. Unless your friend or relative is an expert full-time agent who specializes in your area, he or she is unlikely to do as good of a job as another agent. That can breed resentment, as well as derail your transaction.
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    Annabel Lee

    Annabel Lee grew up in a beautiful heavenly province--Si Chuan, China. It is also hometown of Panda. Prior to her move to Vancouver, she was an associate professor of a key university. Her master's degree is in intercultural communication, which laid a solid foundation for her later job as a realtor. She is passionate about her job as a full-time professional realtor as she likes matching the right people with the right home. She is such a warm-hearted person as she put together 4 couples when she was working at a university; all of them live happily ever after. With her HONESTY, PROFESSIONALISM, and HEARTY service, she won the trust from her past clients. She is quick in understanding and in act, excellent in communication both in Chinese and in English. She has a strong connection with China and she is a perfect bridge between the 2 cultures.